[CW: suicide] This is the final episode of our 3-part series on adoptee suicide awareness and prevention, dedicated to a special member of our community who died last year. We speak with Louise, a Korean adoptee in Australia whose sister, also a Korean adoptee, died by suicide. Louise tells us her very personal story and shares her unique perspective on the impacts of her sister’s death, her grief journey so far, and her reflections on the relationship between adoption and mental health.
In this conversation, Louise mentions:
-David Kessler, a grief counsellor and author who has suffered grief first hand when he lost his son. Kessler offers a free online 'Suicide Loss Support Series.' You can find this series and numerous other workshops and resources at: www.davidkesslertraining.com
-Leigh Sales' book 'Any Ordinary Day: Blindsides, Resilience and What Happens After the Worst Day of Your Life.' In it, she interviews people after they have lost someone special and talks about their journey with grief.
-Australia's suicide call back service (www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au). See the 'support services' tab on our website for more links to support services in Australia, Korea, and the U.S.